Volume 14, Number 6—June 2008
Ceftriaxone-Resistant Salmonella enterica Serotype Newport, France
Figure 2

Figure 2. Representative PstI restriction profiles (A) and blaCMY-2 Southern hybridization (B) of plasmids from Escherichia coli DH10B transformants of CMY-2–producing Salmonella spp. clinical isolates. Lane M, Raoul molecular mass marker (Qbiogene, Illkirch, France). Lane 1, DH10B/00-7490; lane 2, DH10B/03-3349; lane 3, DH10B/03-3367; lane 4, DH10B/00-3525; lane 5, DH10B/00-4165; lane 6, DH10B/03-9969; lane 7, DH10B/03-9243; lane 8, DH10B/02-2049. Values on the left of panel A are in kb. Restriction and hybridization profiles are indicated. The gel is focused on the resolution of high molecular mass bands; smaller bands (in particular, the 0.8-kb band) are not well visualized.
1Current affiliation: Institut Pasteur, St. Petersburg, Russia.
2Current affiliation: Institut Pasteur, Casablanca, Morocco.