Volume 15, Number 1—January 2009
G2 Strain of Rotavirus among Infants and Children, Bangladesh
Figure 1
![Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the VP7 and VP4 genes of untypeable group A rotavirus strains (RAV) from Bangladesh. A) Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree based on nucleotide sequences of the VP7 encoding genes for untypeable RAV strains. B) Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree based on nucleotide sequences of the VP4 encoding genes for untypeable RAV strains. The numbers in the branches indicate the bootstrap values. Reference strains of RAV G1 and P[8] strains were selected](/eid/images/08-0883-F1.jpg)
Figure 1. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the VP7 and VP4 genes of untypeable group A rotavirus strains (RAV) from Bangladesh. A) Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree based on nucleotide sequences of the VP7 encoding genes for untypeable RAV strains. B) Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree based on nucleotide sequences of the VP4 encoding genes for untypeable RAV strains. The numbers in the branches indicate the bootstrap values. Reference strains of RAV G1 and P[8] strains were selected from DNA database of Japan/GenBank under the accession number indicated in boldface. G1 strains from Bangladesh are highlighted in italics. Scale bars indicate nucleotide substitutions per position. Reference RAV strains used in this study and their accession numbers are as follows: RAV P[8] strains: BP785/00/Hungary (AJ605315), VA70/USA (AJ540229), WA/ USA (L34161), HOCHI/Japan (AB039943), ODELIA/Japan (AB039942), MW670/Malawi (AJ302146), OP530/Malawi (AJ302152), AI-75/Japan (AB008285), MW258/Malawi (AJ302143), OP511/Malawi (AJ302151), CH927B/China (AB008273), MO/Japan (AB008278), Kagawa/90-513/Japan (AB039944), OP601/Malawi (AJ302153), CU132P8/Thailand (DQ235955), DK V98-893/Denmark (AY509908), DK V00- 2138/Denmark (AY509910), S8/Porcine/Brazil (AF052449), CU90P8/Thailand (DQ235978), TF101/Taiwan (AF183870), Hun9/Hungary (AJ605320), WH-1194/China (AY856445), Dhaka25-02 (DQ146652), CU90P8 (DQ235978), 2vp4n (DQ675009), CAU 164 (EU679398) and WH-624/China (AY856444); RAV G1 strains: Dhaka9-03 (DQ482715), CU122G1 (DQ236053), PA5/03 (DQ377596), KH210 (AB303218), 7014/JP (EF079064), rotavirus G1 isolate 5.1(DQ672628), Mvd9906 (AF480278), 7265/JP (EF079066), 7124/JP(EF079069), 7108/JP (EF079068), JP421 (D16326), Fin-408 (Z80303), PA2/04 (DQ377598), Fin-429 (Z80312), AU007 (AB081799), G192B (AF043678), DC03 (AF183859), Oh-64 (U26387), PA3c (DQ377566), PA32 (DQ377574), Thai-1604 (DQ512981), Dhaka8-02 (AY631049), Thai-804 (DQ512979), Mvd9816 (AF480293) CH631 (AF183857), China-45 (U26371), Russia-1407 (S83903), PA8/01 (DQ377592), PA19/01 (DQ377593).