Volume 9, Number 1—January 2003
Congenital Transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in Argentina
Figure 2

Figure 2. (A) Numbers of expected (in 1993) and reported (mean of 1994–2001) cases of congenital Trypanosoma cruzi infection. (B) Ranked ordering of provinces according to numbers of expected (in 1993) and total reported cases (1994–2001) of congenital T. cruzi infection; Spearman’s correlation coefficient (R) = 0.711, n=24, p<0.0001. 1, Catamarca; 2, Chaco; 3, Chubut; 4, City of Buenos Aires; 5, Cordoba; 6, Corrientes; 7, Entre Rios; 8, Formosa; 9, Jujuy; 10, La Pampa; 11, La Rioja; 12, Mendoza; 13, Misiones; 14, Neuquen; 15, Province of Buenos Aires; 16, Rio Negro; 17, Salta; 18, San Juan; 19, San Luis; 20, Santa Cruz; 21, Santa Fe; 22, Santiago del Estero; 23, Tucuman. (C) Relationship between seroprevalence rates of T. cruzi infection in military recruits in 1993 and mean rural parity in 1991 (R=0.541, n=23, p<0.01). The City of Buenos Aires, which does not have a rural area, was excluded from analysis.