Volume 10, Number 3—March 2004
Patient Data, Early SARS Epidemic, Taiwan
Figure 3

Figure 3. Histopathologic findings of lung biopsy (patient 1) and bone marrow biopsy (patient 2) in two patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome. A: diffuse interstitial pneumonitis with mononuclear cell infiltrating in the mildly thickened alveolar septum (hematoxylin and eosin stain, X100). B: desquamated, multinucleated syncytial giant cell without cytoplasmic inclusion (hematoxylin and eosin stain, X400). C: abundant CD68-positive histiocytes (X100). D: a macrophage ingested with erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets (Liu’s stain, X1,000).
1Pan-Chyr Yang and Chuan-Liang Kao contributed equally to this article.
2The SARS Research Group of National Taiwan University College of Medicine and National Taiwan University Hospital includes the following members: Ding-Shinn Chen, Yuan-Teh Lee, Che-Ming Teng, Pan-Chyr Yang, Hong-Nerng Ho, Pei-Jer Chen, Ming-Fu Chang, Jin-Town Wang, Shan-Chwen Chang, Chuan-Liang Kao, Wei-Kung Wang, Cheng-Hsiang Hsiao, and Po-Ren Hsueh.