Volume 11, Number 2—February 2005
West Nile Virus in Morocco, 2003
Figure 2

Figure 2. . Phylogenetic trees of West Nile Virus (WNV) nucleotide sequences. Phylograms were constructed with the MEGA program, by using the Jukes Cantor algorithm and the neighbor-joining method. The percentage of successful bootstrap replicates is indicated at nodes. The length of branches is proportional to the number of nucleotide changes (% of divergence). The strains sequenced in this study are indicated by asterisks (*). A) Complete nucleotide sequence GenBank accession no. are Italy 1998 (AF404757), France 2000 (AY268132), Kenya 1998 (AY262283), Romania 1996 (AF260969), Volgograd 1999 (VLG4) (AF317203), Volgograd 1999 (27889) (AY277252), Volgograd 2000 (AY278442), Tunisia 1997 (AY268133), Israel 1998 (AF481864), NY 1999 H (AF202541), NY 1999 EQ (AF260967), Egypt 1951 (AF260968), Kunjin 1960 (D00246), Uganda 1937 (M12294). B) Envelope nucleotide sequence Genbank accession no. are Italy 1998 (AF404757), France 2000 (AY268132), Israël 2000 H (AF394217), Kenya 1998 (AY262283), Romania 1996 (AF260969), Volgograd 1999 (VLG4) (AF317203), Volgograd 1999 (27889) (AY277252), Volgograd 2000 (AY278442), Tunisia 1997 (AY268133), Israel 1998 (AF481864), NY 1999 EQ (AF260967), Mexico 2003 (AY426741), Israël 2000 Eq1 (AF380669), Israel 2000 Eq2 (AY052406), Israel 2000 Eq3 (AY052407), NY 1999 H (AF202541), Egypt 1951 (AF260968), Kunjin 1960 (D00246), Uganda 1937 (M12294). EQ: equine; H: human; MQ: mosquito.