Volume 17, Number 12—December 2011
Human Cardioviruses, Meningitis, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Children

Figure. Human cardiovirus phylogeny including novel viruses from myocardial tissue and cerebrospinal fluid. A) The 798-nt complete viral protein (VP) 1 phylogeny, with genotypes indicated to the right. Vilyuisk virus was used as an outgroup. B) The 802-nt partial 5′ untranslated region phylogeny of genotype 2 human cardioviruses. C) The 489-nt complete leader, complete VP4 and partial VP2 phylogeny of genotype 2 human cardioviruses. Neighbor-joining phylogenies were calculated with MEGA5 (www.megasoftware.net) by using a percentage nucleotide distance substitution model with complete deletion of gaps and 1,000 bootstrap reiterations for confidence testing. Only bootstrap values >70% are shown at node points. Scale bars indicate percentage nucleotide distance. Novel viruses from this study (sudden infant death syndrome [SIDS] 347/10 and cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] 07/03981) are shown in boldface. Reference viruses are given with GenBank accession number and strain name (when available).