Volume 22, Number 10—October 2016
Population-Level Effects of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Programs on Infections with Nonvaccine Genotypes
Figure 3

Figure 3. Prevalence ratios and 95% CIs for other high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types (HPV52 and HPV58) included in the nonavalent vaccine for girls and women <19 years of age and women 20–24 years of age in studies included in a meta-analysis of changes in prevalences of nonvaccine HPV genotypes after introduction of HPV vaccination. A) HPV52; B) HPV58. Percentages in brackets represent vaccination coverage (>1 dose) for each study and age group. The sizes of the gray boxes around the plot points indicates the relative weight given to each study in the calculation of the summary estimate. The study by Cameron et al. (25) is omitted from analyses for the younger age group because this study included no data for persons <19 years of age. The study by Cummings et al. (21) is omitted from analyses for women 20–24 years of age because the study included no data for this age group. Pre, prevaccination; post, postvaccination.
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