Volume 23, Number 2—February 2017
Research Letter
Detection of Vaccinia Virus in Urban Domestic Cats, Brazil

Figure. Phylogenetic tree constructed based on nucleotide sequences of orthopoxvirus A56R (hemagglutinin) genes detected in serum samples of 6 house cats house cats with neutralizing antibodies for vaccinia virus, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, September 2012–December 2014. The tree was constructed with A56R gene sequences by using the neighbor-joining method with 1,000 bootstrap replicates and the Tamura 3-parameter model in MEGA7 (http://www.megasoftware.net). Asterisks indicate group 1 vaccinia virus isolates (nonvirulent strains) detected in 2 cats. Black circles indicate group 2 vaccinia virus isolates (virulent strains) detected in 4 cats. Numbers along branches are bootstrap values. GenBank accession numbers are shown for reference isolates. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site.
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No figure matches the in-text citation "Figure 1". Please supply a legend and figure or delete the citation.
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eXtyles has not updated the authors in ref. 1 "Kroon, Mota, Abrahão, da Fonseca, de Souza Trindade, 2011" because of a name mismatch. Please compare "da Fonseca" with "Fonseca" and "de Souza Trindade" with "Trindade". The CrossRef authors are Kroon EG, Mota BEF, Abrahão JS, Fonseca FG, Trindade GS
Medline reports the vernacular article title for ref. 7 "Nowotny, 1996" is Serologische Untersuchungen von Hauskatzen auf potentiell humanpathogene Virusinfektionen wildlebender Nagetiere. (in German).