Volume 8, Number 3—March 2002
Molecular Classification of Enteroviruses Not Identified by Neutralization Tests
Figure 2

Figure 2. Phylogenetic analysis based on the human enterovirus 71 (HEV71) VP4 nucleotide sequences. The phylogenetic tree was constructed as described in the Figure 1 legend. The genotypes of the HEV71 cluster are denoted on the right. The VP4 sequences of 18 HEV71 strains available from GenBank are denoted by strain name, followed by the country and year isolated. Abbreviations for countries are as follows: US, United States; ML, Malaysia; CH, China; UK, United Kingdom; TW, Taiwan; and SG, Singapore. The accession numbers are as follows: BrCr; U22521, Tainan/6092/98; AF304459, 1425a/98/tw; AF176044, NCKU9822; AF136379, TW/2086/98; AF119796, 5142/98; AB037251, TW/2272/98; AF119795, HO106/98; AB037252, Epsom/815/99; AJ296213, SHZH9; AF302996, KED005; AB051334, E1387; AB051313, 13/Sin/98; AF251358, SK036; AB051333, KED60; AB051335, SK026; AB051332, MS/7423/87; U22522, Epsom/10620/99; and AJ296214.