Volume 26, Number 11—November 2020
Modeling Treatment Strategies to Inform Yaws Eradication
Figure 7

Figure 7. Dynamics of infected yaws (clinical infectious cases and latent cases) under random (red) or fully systematic (blue) coverage when implementing mass drug administration. Simulations are run to steady state before starting the first round of treatment. Times given are the amount of time since the first round of treatment. Treatment involved 2 twice-yearly rounds of TCT, followed by 2 twice-yearly rounds of TTT. TCT has a coverage of 80%, whereas TTT has a coverage of 100% of all infectious persons and their household contacts. Azithromycin efficacy is assumed to be 95%. Shaded regions denote values within 1 SD of the mean value. Parameters are inferred from data collected from the Solomon Islands in 2013. TCT, total community treatment; TTT, total targeted treatment.